Safer than traditional door locks-Fingerprint smart door locks

September 30, 2022

Latest company news about Safer than traditional door locks-Fingerprint smart door locks

A Higher Level of Security.

With biometric door locks, no one can access your home unless their fingerprint is stored and authorized.


But could a biometric lock confuse someone else's fingerprint with yours? To answer that question, I’ll quickly walk you through how these locks work.


A fingerprint lock comes with a fingerprint scanner. This fancy addition scans capillaries, blood flow, and even sweat glands. In order for the door to unlock, the provided fingerprint has to match the one that's stored 100%. That's difficult, if not impossible, to fake.


We always like doing what's convenient.And the fingerprint lock is more advanced in technology, making it more secure.


That's another reason why fingerprint locks are more secure than regular locks. They make following complicated security protocols are a breeze, so we're more likely to enable them.


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